Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I promise...

I am going to write more.....
just watch

Monday, May 11, 2009


I start work tomorrow.....shitty.
I also introduced formula to Rowan this he is constipated.....shittyx2
Shopping for work clothes when you have just had a baby, scratch that, have been pregnant for the last 2 consecutive years...SHITTY.
but, I must say, I am looking forward to purchasing a new car....yay for me :)
and joe is staying home with 3 kids by himself yikes!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Betsey Love


That is Betsey and Me...laying on the couch, pregnant 

The other day, I was outside and a lab and small dog walked past my house. I tried calling out to them, but they ignore me and I finished what I was doing. Then, they came back so I looked at the tags of the large one and he lived close by, and there was a number so I called it and left a message. Well, Betsey LOVED having him to play with. They ran around the back yard and were jumping on each other and everything. She didn't like the little dog too much, I think it was because it was a unaltered female. So when the owner came by to pick him up (the little one escaped through the fence...whereabouts?) Betsey....who is extremely anxious, and terrified of everyone and everything...followed the strange man out to his truck and whimpered when the dog "Scout" got in. And then she sat in the road for like 5 minutes after he left. I feel so bad for her. Ever since Misfit ran away, she has been so miserable. She found a way to get into the crawl space under the house and just sits there all day long.
So I think we are going to get another dog. A girl on my facebook has a dog who had puppies....american pitt with a little bit of mastiff. Betsey is a pitt/beagle :) I think they would be a good match. I love pitts, I have had them growing up my whole life. They are beautiful, strong and have a ton of energy. Now we just have to think of a name for a male dog, Joe likes samcro....I love the show, not too sure if I want to name my dog after it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I found out that I got the job with Wachovia!! I'm excited, and sad at the same time. I will no longer be a stay at home mom. It took me a long time to get used to be a SAHM and now I'm back to the work place. I'm not quite sure how breast feeding is going to work out with Rowan now, but hopefully I'll still be able to. I hate formula, and so does Rowan. The position is a teller, which I've done before and actually they are paying me more than I have been paid at my other positions. It's not great pay or anything, but it should be enough to get us by until Joe finds employment. OH AND ANOTHER THING
I can't find my ID anywhere, or my social security card which means that I can't get fingerprinted for the job, and I think it takes like a month till you receive one through the great for me yay

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I have an interview with Wachovia please pray that I get hired!!! I don't know if any of you know, but Joe's wonderful mother and step-dad fired him 2 months ago. They even had his unemployment denied (which now they are regretting, so we will finally be compensated for it) but things haven't been easy needless to say. Joe had an interview with Leprino on friday, and it seemed please please pray for us.

oh lordy

I broke down and got a blogspot...and im stoked on it.